We were looking around Lexington for a potential spot for the boutique. And when I say "looking" I mean this was a casual thing. I was still working and the boutique was still just a maybe. We looked online a few times, and would browse while driving around town. We weren't seeing anything that was a definite yes. UNTIL.. one night in Mid-December we were picking up a DIY from AR Workshop. There it was...right under our noses. The PERFECT location. So close to home and in the best little spot in Lexington. So we stood there in the cold looking at this empty unit and then looking at each other and then looking back at the space. I called and scheduled a time to see it. I was reluctant to commit because it was maybe too soon. Was I ready? I. DON'T.KNOW! But it felt right. Like it was meant to be. Hope Ferry Center is full of the best small businesses! Blush Boutique, James & Eloise, Learning Express, The Classy Cruet, AR Workshop, The Party Shoppe. All of them I adore. A little community I want to be a part of. So we took a leap of faith and committed to this space. Now for renovations... That's another blog. I will share some before, during, and after pictures and videos soon. For now here's a before. I can't wait to turn this little spot into Tulip! I hope you love it as much as I do!
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